The wonderful Itria Valley

The wonderful Itria Valley is a large area located in the center of Apulia, between the city of Bari and the provinces of Brindisi and Taranto.

It is therefore a karstic depression that extends among Locorotondo, Cisternino, Ceglie Messapica and Martina Franca.

In the Itria Valley there are the famous trulli, these traditional houses made of stone and with the characteristic cone shape.

Deeper in the Itria Valley.

The Itria Valley is an area rich in history but not only, there are also very rich flora and fauna.

The flora beyond being composed of woods and Mediterranean scrub, there can be found also vineyards from which are obtained wines of excellent quality, including the Locorotondo DOC and Martina Franca DOC and even beautiful centuries-old olive groves which produce the extra virgin olive.

There are also several protected areas : the fauna is made up of many various types of animals.

But in addition to long walks in nature you can also find many agritourisms where to do tastings, there are also workshops; you can also observe or try to participate in the various stages of processing of agricultural and handcrafted products.

It is therefore a wonderful place to visit.

Also only for the spectacular nature you are faced to once there.

Not to mention the characteristic Valley of Trulli. Surely once in the valley it can’t help but visiting Alberobello and its trulli, but also Cisternino that is on the Murgia of Trulli and Locorotondo which has houses of round shape, both countries are among the most beautiful Italian villages.

You can not go to visit also the Castellana Caves which are located in the municipality of Castellana Grotte, you really go out of breath in front of such great natural beauty, of course you visit them accompanied by expert guides.

Then there is Martina Franca, this country is famous for the eponymous music festival and also for its wonderful Baroque architecture. And how to forget Ostuni, the so-called White City, in fact its historic center was once entirely painted with white lime, Taranto and Santa Maria di Leuca are very beautiful too.

Not to be forgotten absolutely the Safari Zoo.

Which is located in Fasano, it is important to know that it was the first fauna park zoo in Italy beyond being among the largest in Europe for number of present species. Inside there are about 1700 specimens of 200 different species, the area covers about 140 hectares.

It should be noted that in the Safari Zoo of Fasano there are the only ones polar bears in Italy.

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