Villa Borghese, the green heart of Rome

Villa Borghese is a large park located in the city of Rome, consisting of majestic gardens of different types, from Italian garden to large areas of English-style gardens, followed in turn by fountains, ponds and buildings of historical importance.

Routes in the nature

Inside the villa beyond the gardens it’s possible to visit the aviary, where you can watch different birds like geese, swans and even some birds of prey. The birds are also visible outside the building.

Another beautiful attraction are the ponds where you can admire many varieties of fish such as trouts and carps. But not only, in fact right next to the lakes you may see water turtles and also two species of toads of quite considerable size.

Which buildings can be seen inside the Villa Borghese?

Still inside the Villa Borghese you can visit the house Cenci-Giustiniani that is in the boulevard David Lubin. This magnificent building, in an old planimetry of 1828, was designated as a dependence house of the Giustiniani Gardens, then later in an engraving of 1840 designed by GH Busse was mentioned as Casale Giustinani. The facades and the porch of this magnificent building houses some frescoes representing really beautiful sculptures. Currently this amazing structure houses a cultural association.

Another very nice building of Villa Borghese is the Clock Little House, located in Piazza di Siena. In some documents of the 700 it is reported that the house was used as a residence by the gardener. In the eighteenth century approximately, there was added a porch, this magnificent transformation is attributed to Nicola Fagioli who certainly inserted the clock too. The building consists of two floors, it is topped by a tower with four clocks which crowns a small circular dome temple, everything is supported by eight Doric columns.

After this transformation which ended in 1791, the building was used as a museum for the excavated material from Gabi and was called “Casino di Gabi”. Then the museum was closed in 1807 and all the exposed material was transferred to the Louvre Museum.

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