Ledro Valley

Frequently when you decide to take an entire weekend and devote it to the mountain, the first place that comes to mind is Trentino Alto-Adige.

But the beautiful region of North-East Italy has several interesting and engaging attractions, so much that we could have the embarrassment of choice.

We are talking about one of these, located in the South-Western part of Trentino: the Ledro Valley, that is the pre-alpine valley in the province of Trento particularly well-known for the presence of a magnificent lake inside it (the Lake Ledro, precisely).

Where does this name come from? Most likely from “Leutrenses”, that is the denomination the Romans gave to the ancient inhabitants of this place.

It should be reminded and underlined that in 1929, during the construction of the hydroelectric power plant, the lowering of the lake level made emerge something like 10,000 poles, proof of the presence of one of the largest prehistoric stations in the whole Europe.

The Ledro Valley is undoubtedly one of the most fitting places to spend a few days with family or friends.

Thanks to the total contact with the nature that is felt from the very first moments.

We were talking earlier about the Lake, which can be really considered the jewel of the whole Valley.

Situated at an altitude of 650 meters, Lake Ledro is one of the cleanest in the entire Trentino region and its waters strike for the incredible clearness, while coloring is almost always on turquoise.

A perfect place to find refreshment on hot summer days but also to practice the most disparate sports, such as canoeing, swimming, windsurfing, sailing, without forgetting fishing enthusiasts.

The lake is also admirable by the mountains surrounding the waters, which can be reached thanks to the many excursions and guided walks that are practiced in this area from May to October to discover the history, traditions and territory, in the company of the Territory Guides of Trentino.

Excursions suitable not only to adults, but also to families with children.

Therefore, the Ledro Valley is such a pleasant place that web users reviews could only be all very positive.

In addition to the peace of the mountain, often described as ‘relaxing and harmonious’, there is the irresistible charm of the lake, for a mix that leaves breathless.

Finally, an historic gem: it was just from this Valley, and precisely in Bezzecca, that on 9th August 1866 Garibaldi sent the famous telegram “Obbedisco”, addressed to General Alfonso La Marmora.